Book Review: The Unimaginable is a story about a woman looking for color in her life and a guy running from his past. Adventurous, fast-paced, and beautifully romantic, Dina Silver had me on the edge of my seat with my heart frantically beating. One moment I was breathless ...
Book Review — Tamed by Emma Chase

Book Review: After meeting Dee in Tangled, I looked forward to learning more about her. We learned that she dresses very scantily clad and that she is a rocket scientist. Say what? She is a firecracker and a walking contradiction. Overall, I thought this story was okay. I ...
Book Review — This Girl by Colleen Hoover

Book Review: This Girl is the third and final book in Colleen Hoover's Slammed series. I view it more of a companion novel than a full third book in the series since many scenes are flashbacks in Will's point-of-view. Slammed and Point of Retreat were some of the first ...
Book Review — Beneath This Mask by Meghan March

Review: This is author Meghan March's second novel. It's the first book I've read by her and I liked it! Beneath this Mask was sexy, edgy, and emotional. I am looking forward to the next book in the series, which is Con's book! Charlotte Agoston is on the run from her ...
Book Review — Solitude of a Birdcage by Brielle Skye

Review: What drew me to this Solitude of a Birdcage was its premise. The hero and heroine, Isaac and Maxie, are in love with one another. The problem is that Isaac is dating Maxie's best friend. After sneaking around for more than a year, Maxie and Isaac decide to come ...
Book Review — Maybe Maby by Willow Aster

AMAZON GOODREADS Review: I went into this book rather blind. I had read the synopsis awhile ago, but other than that I didn't know what I was in for. There were some parts I liked but between the writing style, the plot and the characters it didn't completely work ...
Book Review — On the Record by K.A. Linde

After I read Off the Record in April, I needed this book in my hands. On the Record because one of my most anticipated releases for the rest of 2014, mostly due to how Off the Record ended. The forbidden affair between Brady and Liz had me on edge and rooting for them to ...
Audiobook Review — Twisted by Emma Chase

I absolutely loved Tangled by Emma Chase. Drew Evans is one of the most hilarious and charming book characters. So I was elated to see that we would get more of him in Twisted, along with his girlfriend Kate Brooks. "...I can't live without you, Kate. I don't even know how ...
Book Review — Infinity + One by Amy Harmon

Review: Infinity + One is the first book I've read by Amy Harmon. So many of my trusted book friends have recommended Making Faces and A Different Blue to me, so I was really excited to jump into this one. I enjoyed reading this Bonnie and Clyde themed romance about a ...
Book Review — What Has Become of You by Jan Elizabeth Watson

Review: What Has Become of You is part mystery, part psychological thriller, and part character study. With this book, I stepped out of my romance genre comfort zone and into something a little different. I was drawn into the sound of this book. I am a huge fan of ...