Review Requests & Review Policy


**I am currently accepting review requests, but my acceptance will be very limited.  

If you would like me to review your book, please FILL OUT THE BOOK REVIEW REQUEST FORM below.  I will only respond to reviews I accept.  Acceptance does not guarantee a review.

You can browse through my reviews here. My goal is to give my honest opinion in each review, while being respectful at the same time. It is not my desire or intention to be cruel in my reviews, even in the books I do not like. The reviews posted here are subjective and may not reflect the opinion of all the readers.

I read a mix of self-published and traditionally published books.  I accept review copies in these formats:

  • Published Book (Already released HARDCOVER or PAPERBACK)
  • Kindle Format (.mobi)
  • Galley & ARCs

To invite me to an Edelweiss or NetGalley galley, please use If you are mailing me a review copy, please contact me and I will send you my mailing address.  I reserve the right not to post a review.  In that event, I will notify the author or the publisher via email as to why I am not writing a review.


Many PR firms and tour companies ask reviewers to post promotional content when they cannot give a book a certain rating. Because I only post promotional content for books I genuinely liked (3-star or higher) or think sounds good, Reading Books Like a Boss will not post promotional posts in lieu of a review when I do not like a book.  I want my blog to be a place of honesty and transparency and posting promotional content for books I did not connect with seems contradictory to those goals.  Thank you for understanding.


Reading Books Like a Boss mainly reviews works of fiction, but I am open to some non-fiction. I tend to read books with some sort of romantic element, but lately I have been reading books outside the romance genre. Feel free to submit a request for non-romance books, too.

I read the following genres/categories:

  • Young Adult
  • New Adult
  • Contemporary
  • Paranormal
  • Erotica
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Some Historical
  • Literary Fiction


I do not read the following:

  • Biographies
  • M/M, F/F, or Menage (there have been a few exceptions)


If I review your book and liked it, I’d love to offer a copy (ebook or paperback) to my readers! However, you would be responsible for sending a copy of the prize to the winner. I have readers who live outside the United States, so giveaways that are open internationally are welcome, but not necessary (It’s expensive, I completely understand).


Fill out the form below and click “Send.”

The fields marked with a red asterisk (*) denote a required field.

    Your Name:*

    Your Email:*

    Website: (optional)

    Book Title:*

    Status of your book

    Traditionally Published

    Is your book already released?

    Release Date: (optional)

    How would you describe your book? (optional)

    Amazon Link: (optional)

    Goodreads Link: (optional)

    Is your book part of a series?*


    If this is a series, can you read each book as a standalone or must you read each book in order? (optional)

    Other/Add Comment:

    Would you like to do a giveaway?

    Do you want to do a guest post/interview/other fun post? (optional)

    What type of post would you like to do?

    Synopsis or short summary of the book*

    Small Excerpt so that I can sample the writing style*

    This can be a section that you're particularly proud to have written or a favorite moment of the book.

    Anything else you'd like me to know? (optional)

    Because I'm curious, how did you find out about my blog? (optional)

    Send Attachment(s) (optional)

    You may attach any files you'd like me to have, including your book cover, an electronic copy of your book, and/or photo teasers, etc. Should you choose to attach a copy of your book, I can assure you that your book will not be shared with anyone. I am the only person who has access to this website and to my email.

    If your file fails to attach, please leave me a short note including the file type you are trying to attach.

    Please note: When you submit a review request on my site, your name, email, and the details of your request are saved on the server. They are stored to help me view, manage, and process your request. By using this service, you are consenting to the retention of this information. For more information on, please view my privacy policy.

    Thank you for reaching out to me!
    — Megan

    NOTE TO AUTHORS:  **I am currently accepting review requests. Though, my acceptance will be very limited.  

    Reading Books Like a Boss is comprised of one person, not a team of reviewers. In addition to running this labor of love by myself, I have a full-time day job.  

    I will only respond to those review requests I accept. Please do not take my lack of a response personally. I am not ignoring you, I promise. I do read every review request that is submitted to me. Each request is sorted into special folders within my email inbox for easy access later. I am grateful for every review request received and feel honored that you would include me. **

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