"Please make a list of every possession you consider essential in your life." J.P. Delaney's THE GIRL BEFORE has such an alluring premise and there moments where I couldn't put it down. But the far-fetched plot points, pseudo-sexual dominant storyline, and over-abundance of ...
Book Review – I Love You Subject to the Following Terms and Conditions by Erin Lyon

Well this book was a complete and pleasant surprise! Erin Lyon's debut is a unique and fresh twist on the "non-committal playboy who falls for the girl" storyline. It's addictive and sexy with a mix of humor! I could NOT put it down! The novel is set in a sort of ...
Book Review – Paper Hearts by Claire Contreras

PAPER HEARTS is a second-chance romance and the second novel in Claire Contreras's Hearts series. After I read Kaleidoscope Hearts, I was curious to see what happened between Mia and Jensen and why she was so hurt and upset with him. You definitely find out why in the ...
Book Review – A Postcard Would Be Nice by Steph Campbell

In the United States, every two minutes someone is sexually assaulted. Two minutes! Steph Campbell brings awareness to the issue of sexual assault in her newest young adult novel, A POSTCARD WOULD BE NICE. But she talks about it in a way that isn't as widely discussed—sexual ...
Book Review – We Are Still Tornadoes by Michael Kun and Susan Mullen

WE ARE STILL TORNADOES is a coming-of-age young adult novel that centers around two best friends, Cath and Scott. What Michael Kun and Susan Mullen did wonderfully was capturing the beauty of friendship and the importance of having that special someone to lean on when life ...
Book Review – Blood Red Snow White by Marcus Sedgwick

Blood Red Snow White is a set of three short stories and a fictionalized account of author Arthur Randsome's time in Russia during Russian Revolution. Sedgwick brings readers on a thrilling journey, detailing both sides of war between the Red and the White. I was surprised ...
Book Review – Our Hearts Will Burn Us Down by Anne Valente

OUR HEARTS WILL BURN US DOWN is a poignant portrait of grief, told in the collective voice through the eyes of four best friends after a mass school shooting. While the story was not poorly written, the writing style was distracting at times, the novel was lacking in ...
Book Review – Replica by Lauren Oliver

Lauren Oliver's Replica has an interesting and alluring premise with two girls—one who was manufactured in a lab and one who is not—learning the truth about their life. The book has some moments that will left me flipping to the next page but in the end felt somewhat ...
Book Review – The Vanishing Year by Kate Moretti

The Vanishing Year called to me after reading its intriguing synopsis about a woman running from her past into the arms of a prominent member of Manhattan's elite. While I will admit that Moretti's story had me glued to the pages to find out what happened, the multiple plot ...
Book Review – Now That It’s You by Tawna Fenske

One of the things that attracted me to NOW THAT IT'S YOU was the storyline: a guy falling in love with his brother's ex-fiancée. I was in the mood for something fun, so I decided to give this a go. This book had a few fun moments, but I really didn't care for the story after ...