Book Review: This Girl is the third and final book in Colleen Hoover's Slammed series. I view it more of a companion novel than a full third book in the series since many scenes are flashbacks in Will's point-of-view. Slammed and Point of Retreat were some of the first ...
Book Review — This Girl by Colleen Hoover

Book Review — Beneath This Mask by Meghan March

Review: This is author Meghan March's second novel. It's the first book I've read by her and I liked it! Beneath this Mask was sexy, edgy, and emotional. I am looking forward to the next book in the series, which is Con's book! Charlotte Agoston is on the run from her ...
Cover Reveal + Giveaway — Killer Queen by L.H. Cosway

My favorite drag queen, VIVICA BLUE, is coming back to your hands on October 20th!! Painted Faces is one of my go-to book recommendations. It's one of those books that just make me smile and give me butterflies when I read it. Freda and Nichloas's love story is one you can ...
Book Review — Love, in English by Karina Halle

Review: Vera Miles gets the chance of a lifetime to teach English in the Spanish countryside. Each day for a month, she would be the teacher to businessmen and businesswomen, helping them hone their conversational English. The free room and board was the selling point. ...
Book Review — Taking Chances by Molly McAdams

When you purchase this book, you get a complimentary ticket to ride the hot mess express. It's been several months since I finished Taking Chances, and it's still really hard for me to talk about this this book and the characters. It ripped out my heart, threw it on the ...
Book Review – Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow

Book Review: If you're looking for a fresh, new take on New Adult, then read Speak Easy. This book caught my eye immediately. Not only because it's beautiful cover (Cover Love!), but because of its description. A new adult novel set in the 1920's during Prohibition? ...
Book Review – Promise Me by Barbie Bohrman

Book Review: "The way I feel when I'm around you, I've never felt anything like it before. I want to be a part of you...your life, because everything...every little piece of me was always meant to be yours." Promise Me is a story of moving on after heartbreak, forgiveness, ...
Book Review – This Time Around by Ellie Grace

Book Review: This Time Around is a cute and fun summer read. I was really excited to read this story because the focus is on two former flames getting back together. This type of storyline is always appeals to me because it promises a lot of tension and angst. There ...
Book Review – In Too Deep by Michelle Kemper Brownlow

Book Review: In Too Deep spotlights an issue that is all too often hidden, emotional abuse. Brownlow paints a rather vivid and horrifying picture of what many go through today behind closed doors. Brownlow's beautifully written description of a girl caught up in an ...
Book Review — Picturing Perfect by Melissa Brown

Book Review: "Just because things aren't as you pictured them, doesn't mean they're any less perfect." Picturing Perfect was a cute, heartwarming story and the perfect summer read. I adored the characters in this novel and their journey to find love and happiness. I will ...