Sunday Morning Book Chat is a weekly vlog in which I talk about random book-related things with a cup of coffee. I thought it was also a great way for you to get to know me and for me to get to know you! In this book chat I: how much I suck at reading, discuss ...
Sunday Morning Book Chat #8 – Overlooked Books

The List: Why You Need to Read Painted Faces by L.H. Cosway NOW!

PAINTED FACES by L.H. Cosway Come forth with an open mind, for an unconventional tale of love... Dublin native Freda Wilson considers herself to be an acquired taste. She has a habit of making offensive jokes and speaking her mind too often. She doesn't have the best ...
Cover Reveal + Giveaway — Killer Queen by L.H. Cosway

My favorite drag queen, VIVICA BLUE, is coming back to your hands on October 20th!! Painted Faces is one of my go-to book recommendations. It's one of those books that just make me smile and give me butterflies when I read it. Freda and Nichloas's love story is one you can ...