I know I'm not the only who reads a good book with an awesome female character and thinks, "She and I would be great friends if she were freaking real." Here is a list of awesome ladies who I think would make the most amazing best friends. TELL ME: What bookish ladies ...
Sunday Morning Book Chat #4 — Favorite Scary/Paranormal Reads!

Sunday Morning Book Chat is a weekly vlog in which I talk about random book-related things with a cup of coffee. I thought it was also a great way for you to get to know me and for me to get to know you! Sorry for the late post! I have had a busy last couple of days!! ...
Sunday Morning Book Chat #1 — Top Ten Books on My Fall To-Read List

Hello!! And welcome to my FIRST VLOG! This is the first video in my Sunday Morning Book Chat series. I wanted you all to be able to put a face and voice to the blogger. I also wanted to share with you a whole bunch of random book-related things all at one time. In this ...
Cover Reveal — Dirty Deeds by Karina Halle

Dirty Deeds is the second book in Karina Halle's upcoming Dirty Angels trilogy. Book one, Dirty Angels, is a continuation of Javier's twisted story. In Dirty Deeds, Derek gets his own story! I can't wait to get inside the mind of yet another ...
Around the Book Blogosphere #4

"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? SEX in Young Adult Nereyda from Mostly YA Book Obsessed did a fantastic post ...
Around the Book Blogosphere #3

"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? One of my favorite posts ever: Cristina wrote a fabulous post a couple of ...
Around the Book Blogosphere #2

So, this was supposed to be a weekly feature, but I have failed miserably. I think my last "Around the Book Blogosphere" post was in November. Yikes!! I'm going to try to be better about perusing book blogs for more fun news, features, articles, and book reviews to share ...