Book Review: "What I'm getting at here is that I know there may be universes out there where I made different choices and they led me somewhere else, led me to someone else. And my heart breaks for every single version of me that didn't end up with you." I just loved the ...
Book Review – Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Book Review – Fighting Fate by Linda Kage

Book Review: Fighting Fate by Linda Kage had an interesting premise—the heroine falls in love with the man who had a hand in her brother's death. Honestly, I had no expectations when I picked it up. I hadn't read anything by this author before and some of her other books ...
Book Review – Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen

Book Review: Life Unaware is young adult novel about teenager who went from being the top of the social ladder to the very bottom, becoming a victim of bullying after being a bully herself. I liked this young adult novel, but I believe it may be more appealing to younger ...
Book Review — Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi

Book Review: Holy cannoli! Finally, I got inside Warner's head. Like I said in my Shatter Me review, I find Warner to be a more interesting character. In Destroy Me, Tahereh Mafi introduces you to a different Warner. Well, not different, per se but we are definitely ...
Book Review – Beauty from Surrender by Georgia Cates

Book Review: I read Beauty from Pain on a whim awhile back. I had wanted to read it for a really long time and found the perfect time to squeeze. I liked the first book and I wanted to know how this couple moved on from what happened at the end of book one. I didn't enjoy ...
Book Review — Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Book Review: I first read Shatter Me a little over three years ago before I started blogging. Several of my friends have been dying to talk to this book about me, so I decided it was time to finish the series. The novel begins with our heroine locked in an insane asylum, ...
Audiobook Review – Beauty From Pain by Georgia Cates

Audiobook Review: Beauty from Pain has been on my to-read list for a LONG time. I recently went to a book signing in Tulsa, Oklahoma and was peeking around my audible account for books I haven't listened to and thought, "Hey, you should listen to this." The rest is history. ...
Book Review — Hero by Samantha Young

Book Review: I was in the mood for a fun read so I started searching through the books I have and thought I'd pick up Samantha Young's latest book. I am so glad I did! While some of the book made me roll my eyes, I really liked the dynamic and romance between Caine and ...
Book Review — Broken Juliet by Leisa Rayven

Book Review: Bad Romeo was so addictive to read and I had so much fun reading it. With the way it ended, I was dying to get my hands on the sequel, so I could find out what happens. Broken Juliet was another fun book to read but I got bored with all of the back and forth ...
Book Review — Hugo and Rose by Bridget Foley

Book Review: You dream the same dream your whole life. You're on a magical beach with a beautiful man who saves you from the dangers and treachery the island hides. A city filled with castles is seen in the distance but after years of trying you can't quite reach it. Then ...