RITES OF PASSAGE is a compelling and addictive read with a painfully honest view of what it's like inside a high school military academy. The author herself went to military school, so it's safe to say what we're getting is a front row sea of the sorts of things that can ...
Book Review – A Poison Dark and Drowning by Jessica Cluess

The follow-up to Jessica Cluess's magical young adult fantasy, A Shadow Bright and Burning (read my review), is equally as compelling and dramatic. A POISON DARK AND DROWNING continues Henrietta Howel's journey in the magical society of the Order, but she harbors a secret to ...
Book Review – There’s Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins

Stephanie Perkins moves away from contemporary young adult romance in the horror-like story of a small town terrorized by a serial killer. THERE'S SOMEONE INSIDE YOUR HOUSE has several suspenseful moments, but when it comes to finding out why this person was slaughtering ...
Audiobook Review – I See You by Clare Mackintosh

Clare Mackintosh's sophomore novel brings terror and unease to your front door. While not as addictive and compelling as her debut, I See You will certainly make you look over your shoulder before you carry out habitual daily routines again. When someone asks you to think ...
Audiobook Review – Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

"Sometimes, just when you think everything’s gone, you find a way.” Mia racked her mind for an explanation. “Like after a prairie fire. I saw one, years ago, when we were in Nebraska. It seems like the end of the world. The earth is all scorched and black and everything ...
Review – Maybe I Do by Nicole McLaughlin

Always the photographer, never the bride. This contemporary romance is the first in a new series from romance author, Nicole McLaughlin. If you like light and fluffy romances with side of whiskey, you might give this a try. But if you're a reader like me who prefers their ...
Book Review – The Reason You’re Alive by Matthew Quick

THE REASON YOU'RE ALIVE is another hit from Matthew Quick. Through an elderly right-wing, seemingly racist, Vietnam veteran and American patriot, Quick pens a story about finding common ground and unity in a politically polarizing world. Like in Forgive Me, Leonard ...
Book Review – Purple Hearts by Tess Wakefield

Tess Wakefield pens a modern day love story in PURPLE HEARTS, highlighting many of the problems Americans face today—access to healthcare, cost of medical care, issues with veterans benefits, mental health, and addiction. While her efforts to draw from real-life issues are ...
Book Review – Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

“...there is always, however remote it might seem, the possibility of change.” Gail Honeyman’s charming, quirky, and resilient Eleanor Oliphant might just be one of my favorite characters I’ve met in a long time. Eleanor’s transformation from the woman she was in the ...
Book Review – Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley

WORDS IN DEEP BLUE hooked me from the beginning and I couldn't wait to get home from work to read more of Rachel and Henry's time inside Howling Books. The cast of characters was charming, lovely, and funny in all the right places. My only problem was that, ultimately, the ...