I didn't exactly love Royally Screwed (My Review), the first in Emma Chase's Royally series, but I still wanted to give the other books in the series a try (See my review of Book #3). As a lover of The Bachelor, I really wanted to read this one with Prince Henry going on ...
Audiobook Review – Royally Matched by Emma Chase

Audiobook Review – Royally Endowed by Emma Chase

The third installment in Emma Chase's Royally series may be the best of the series with less cheesy moments but it wouldn't be one I would reread nor would it be a favorite book of mine. Royally Endowed is a spin on the classic forbidden off-limits romance trope and features ...
Audiobook Review – Royally Screwed by Emma Chase

I've enjoyed some of Emma Chase's novels. But more recently, I've been 0-2 for her. I've seen several of my book friends enjoy this book and some who hadn't. Instead of being the romantic comedy I expected, ROYALLY SCREWED ended up being a erotic sex fest void of the sweet ...
Audiobook Review – Appealed by Emma Chase

I enjoyed Overruled and Sustained, the first two books in Emma Chase's Legal Brief series, so I wanted to give the final book in the trilogy a try. While it certainly offered the same steam factor as the previous books, the plot was too generic and full of cliches that ...
Audiobook Review – Getting Schooled by Emma Chase

Fans of Emma Chase's funny and endearing characters will enjoy the first book in her new series, GETTING SCHOOLED. This released as an audio exclusive in February but for those of you who'd rather read it, you can get the eBook in June (preorder). While this wasn't one of my ...
Book Review & Giveaway – Sustained by Emma Chase

Book Review: Sustained was such an absolute delight to read! I picked it up with the intention of just getting a quarter of the way through it before heading to bed. Before I knew, I was halfway in and couldn't put it down. I finished the whole book in one sitting, which I ...
Book Review – Overruled by Emma Chase

Book Review: "Because falling for your "friends with benefits" would be a dumb move, and I'm no dummy." I enjoyed this book. Fans of Emma Chase's Tangled series will enjoy this new series about three attorneys living, working, and playing in Washington D.C. I got really ...
Book Review — Tied by Emma Chase

Book Review: Tied was a hilarious, Drew-filled, entertaining read. It had a little bit of everything you could expect from Drew: steamy sexy times, hilarity, an abundance of insults, and an underlying sweetness. It was nice to see where Drew and Kate were up to since we ...
Book Review — Tamed by Emma Chase

Book Review: After meeting Dee in Tangled, I looked forward to learning more about her. We learned that she dresses very scantily clad and that she is a rocket scientist. Say what? She is a firecracker and a walking contradiction. Overall, I thought this story was okay. I ...
Audiobook Review — Twisted by Emma Chase

I absolutely loved Tangled by Emma Chase. Drew Evans is one of the most hilarious and charming book characters. So I was elated to see that we would get more of him in Twisted, along with his girlfriend Kate Brooks. "...I can't live without you, Kate. I don't even know how ...