Book Review: Black Lies is the second book I've read by Alessandra Torre. Having read Sex Love Repeat and now this book, I see a trend in Torre's writing and storytelling styles—she likes plot twists. As a whole this book didn't work for me. I had a big issue with how ...
Book Review — Solitude of a Birdcage by Brielle Skye

Review: What drew me to this Solitude of a Birdcage was its premise. The hero and heroine, Isaac and Maxie, are in love with one another. The problem is that Isaac is dating Maxie's best friend. After sneaking around for more than a year, Maxie and Isaac decide to come ...
Book Review — Addicted to You by Krista and Becca Ritchie

Review: A couple of months ago, this series was all over my Facebook and Goodreads feed. I read the synopsis and was intrigued by the book's interesting premise: What if a sex addict and an alcoholic were in a relationship? How would that work. So many people love this ...
Book Review — Maybe Maby by Willow Aster

AMAZON GOODREADS Review: I went into this book rather blind. I had read the synopsis awhile ago, but other than that I didn't know what I was in for. There were some parts I liked but between the writing style, the plot and the characters it didn't completely work ...
Book Review — Come Back to Me by Mila Gray

KINDLE (U.S. Pre-Order) GOODREADS Review: Oh my goodness! I loved this book so much! I knew that this book was going to be emotional when I started it what with the hero being in the military, but I wasn't prepared for just how emotional it was. I couldn't put ...
Author Interview & Book Review — The Hook Up by Kristen Callihan

KINDLE PAPERBACK GOODREADS Review: The Hook Up was such a wonderful surprise. Prior to getting this for review, I hadn't heard of it, which is a crying shame. I don't think I've read a more addictive, sexy no-strings-attached romance since On Dublin Street. And ...
Book Review — 53 Letters for My Lover by Leylah Attar

Book Review: 53 Letters For My Lover is a poignant, emotional and love story, showing both the painful and beautiful sides of love. The combination of Leylah Attar's beautiful writing and the intensity of the romance is why you need to read it. Troy and Shayda's love ...
Book Review — Before You By Amber Hart

Review: I don't remember where I first saw this book but I was really excited to read it. Before You is the first book in the Before and After series by Amber Hart (see the reading order below). I have to admit that I was a little disappointed by this book. There were ...
Book Review — On the Record by K.A. Linde

After I read Off the Record in April, I needed this book in my hands. On the Record because one of my most anticipated releases for the rest of 2014, mostly due to how Off the Record ended. The forbidden affair between Brady and Liz had me on edge and rooting for them to ...
Book Review — Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

My Review of Anna and the French Kiss My Review of Lola and the Boy Next Door Review: Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door are two of my favorite young adult contemporary romances. They are simple love stories told with Stephanie Perkins's ...