1. ) The Hyatt Regency Dallas has cool RT-themed room keys. *giggles* My key said.... #TBT to last week. I was so amused by the Hyatt's room key situation. #RT15 A video posted by Megan Simpson (@ireadlikeaboss) on May 21, 2015 at 8:34am PDT And Hannah's ...
Archives for 2015
The List — Things I learned at the 2015 Romantic Times (RT) Booklovers Convention
Waiting on Wednesday #40 – Sweet by Emmy Laybourne
“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine. SWEET by Emmy Laybourne Emmy Laybourne, author of the Monument 14 trilogy, takes readers on a dream vacation that goes first comically, then tragically, then horrifyingly wrong! The luxurious ...
This & That – Back to You and Searching for Beautiful
“This and That” is a feature meant to showcase books that I think sound similar or have similar themes and would recommend to someone who is a fan of the “this book.” I may not have read the “that” book, but I think fans of the “this” book might like it. About the ...
What I’m Digging #28 – The Immortal Crown by RIchelle Mead
What I'm Digging is a feature in which I share my bookish finds with you. This can range from jewelry to clothes to home decorations. I find so many neat bookish things on Pinterest, Etsy, and elsewhere. I thought I would share my finds with you. Who doesn't love ...