“Around the Book Blogosphere” is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right?
This is a really old Parajunkee post, but I just had to share. She mentions something that is going on in the blogging world and it really grinds my gears. Apparently, some bloggers write fake reviews, meaning they get ARCs and then don’t acutally read them. They base their review off of other people’s reviews. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? That is wrong on so many levels. Ugh!
Here is what Parajunkee said: “Can they really read that many books? Some can, I’ll give them that. Oh Yee Super Women! But, some are faking it. They are basing their reviews off of other people’s reviews. Saying they read these books, but really only reading maybe the first chapter, or none at all. These are usually the hardest to spot. They don’t plagiarize the reviews, they just go and read what other people say about the books and then form their own opinions based on reviews not the actual book.”
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Top Ten Books I want to Re-Read!
What are some of the books you want to reread? I know I have several. Here are some of this week’s Top Ten Tuesday Answers:
- Two Chicks On Books
- Anna Reads
- Lost in Literature
- Great Imaginations
- Paradise of Pages
- Belle of the Literati
- The Starry-Eyed Revue
- Once Upon a Twilight
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Check out all the stops on tour!
I’ve heard nothing but good things about Maggie Stiefvater’s The Raven Cycle series. Blue Lily, Lily Blue (Bk #3) just came out last month and am so excited to dig in to this series soon!
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The Book Boyfriend Election Results!
Go to My Book Muse to see who won!!
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Releases you won’t want to miss
Lucia from Reading is my Breathing lays it all out for you! Check out her list of November and December book releases you will need to read!
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The Book Bosses Bring the LULz!
Top Ten Things You Probably Won’t Read in a Romance Novel. The title says it all. Check out JJ and Hildy’s hilarious post! I am 100% sure I haven’t read any of those in a novel and if I did, I would promptly put it down. LOL!
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HOLIDAY ROMANCES from Fiction Fare
Jaime from Fiction Fare reeeaaallllly loves Holiday Romances. I can’t say I’ve ever read a strictly holiday-themed romance, but maybe I should. She has a rather extensive list of her favorite Holiday Romances and some that she’s excited to read!
Look at her list of Holiday Romances here!

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Naked Books!
No BS Book Reviews has a fun feature called Novel Nudity in which they strip hardcovers down to their skivvies and see what’s underneath. Sounds kinky, right? That’s because it is! This week, they undress Summer and Bird by Katherine Catmull.
Creep on their other Novel Nudity posts!
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Author Alarms!
I came across this gem on Facebook! This is a new site that will send you an email when your favorite authors release a new book! How cool is that? You can sign up at over at Author Alarms.
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Behind the Scenes with Author Ryan Graudin
I’ve been seeing this book pop up everywhere! Xpresso Reads has an inside look on writing The Walled City by Ryan Graudin.
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VILMA interviews Molly McAdams, Christina Lee, A.L. Jackson, and Tiffany King!
Vilma’s Book Blog interviewed the authors of the new anthology, WHEN WE MET, on video! Check out their fun interview!
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I want to read this book based on this GIF Review alone!!
Check out Effotlessly Reading’s post to find out what book it is! (Here is a hint)
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Do Re-Reads change your opinion on books?
Into the Hall of Books asks this question in her “Time to Talk” discussion post this week! I know when I think back to some of the books I read and loved years ago, I don’t think I would have loved them as much had I read them now. What about you?
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* Click on the links to check out some of the cover reveals you may have missed! *
- THE UNTOUCHABLES (Ruthless People Trilogy #2) by J.J. McAvoy via Totally Booked – LOVE THIS COVER!
- SWEET ACHE (A Driven Novel) by K.A. Bromberg via Maryse’s Book Blog
- NUMB by Lynn Rider via A Literary Perusal
- MAYHEM by Jamie Shaw via Books Over Boys
- A SHOT OF SIN by Eden Summers via Reviews by Tammy and Kim
- SALT & STONE (Fire & Flood #2) by Victoria Scott via Stuck in Books
- BEAUTY HURTS by Mariah Cole via Nicely Phrased
- THE 27 CLUB by Kim Karr via Always YA at Heart
- UNTIED ANTHOLOGY by E.K. Blair, Claire Contreras, K.A. Linde, Corinne Michaels, C.D. Reiss, Michelle A. Valentine (100% of the proceeds benefit the American Breast Cancer Society.) via The Book Avenue
- A HOT WINTER by C.J. Lake via Globug & Hootie Need a Book
- Christina Reads YA (as always) has an assortment of Cover Reveals spanning several genres! Check them out!
- FIGHT YOU by Abby McCarthy via Up All Night Book Blog
- THE LOST IMPERIALS by Tyler H. Jolley and Sherry D. Ficklin via Always YA Book at Heart
- SAVING JAY (Breaking Free #3) by E.M. ABEL via TotallyBooked
- BRING ME TO YOU by Ryleigh Andrews via Angie and Jessica’s Dream Reads
- THE LAW OF MOSES by Amy Harmon via Vilma’s Book Blog
- RELINQUISH (Book 1 of the Embrace Series) by S.E. Dean via Schmexy Girl Book Blog
- ANNE & HENRY by Dawn Ius via Pop! Goes the Reader
- INTO THE FIRE (INTO SERIES #3) and LEAVING HIS MARK by T.A. McKay via A Literary Perusal
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Reviews I enjoyed reading!
VIOLET ADDICTION by Kirsty Dallas — 4 stars
Reviewed by BCS Reviews
“I felt so much with this story. It was not a simple story and Kirtsy Dallas wrote it with heart and grit. At times I really didn’t know how the story would end but I enjoyed throughout.”
THE EDGE OF NEVER by J.A. Redmerksi — 3 stars
Reviewed by Mostly YA Book Obsessed
“I thought it was sweet seeing them grow close as friends and slowly let down their walls while going on this cross-country trip. Their time together was cute and fun and loaded with sexual tension and innuendos.”
A DARKER PAST (DARKER AGENCY #2) by Jus Accardo — 4 stars
Reviewed by Nick’s Book Blog
“In addition to a great romance and lovely characters, A Darker Past also had a fun plot which began as a result of a mirror breaking and a crazy homicidal demon being released into the world. It was entertaining watching Jessie, Lukas, her family, her witch best friend and her boss working together as a unit to solve the problem. It was most definitely a thrilling read!”
NOCTE by Courtney Cole — 5 stars
Reviewed by Julie from Little Read Riding Hood
“NOCTE is a dark, twisted tale that will leave you anticipating the next story in this series. Expect the unexpected. Be prepared for the revelations surrounding the truth. Will you be ready?”
BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE (The Ravel Cycle #3) by Maggie Stiefvater — She’s into it
Reviewed by Novel Sounds
“The reason why I love the Raven Cycle series so much: the relationship between Blue and the Raven Boys. In The Dream Thieves, there was a quote about how Blue is a little bit in love with them and in Blue Lily, Lily Blue, it’s about how they are all in love with another. I may not understand plot but I UNDERSTAND FEELINGS!! They’re all intertwined with each other and I am so invested in all of them so STIEFVATER BETTER NOT KILL ANY OF THEM, DAMMIT. (ugh, she totally is though)”
AFTER by Anna Todd — 5 stars
Reviewed by Once Upon a Twilight
“Give me a broken boy and a hot angst-ridden relationship any day of the week.
I couldn’t put this book down! It went with me everywhere so I could get my Hessa fix every spare moment I had. Talk about getting hooked from page one!”
CAGED IN WINTER by Brighton Walsh — 3 stars
Reviewed by My Book Muse
“Caged in Winter wasn’t perfect and had it’s moments of predictability but overall it was a very enjoyable read.While the relationship between Winter and Cade is satisfying, the only issue I really had with this story is Winter. Her pride, as well as her refusal to let anyone in, make it hard to connect with her.”
WRECK ME (NOVA #4) by Jessica Sorensen — Top Shelf
Reviewed by Celeste from The Book Hookup
“The romance in this story is amazing, and it’s just as simple as that. A romance that touches you. It’s all about the hand holding, the kissing (omg, the kissing!!), the touching, the holding.”
MELT by Selene Castrovilla — 5 stars
Reviewed by Laura from Once Upon a Twilight
“Is it wrong to say that I LOVED this story when it was so depressing to read? There were times where I was crying, no sobbing, for a fictional character. It was a really difficult read, but these are the types of books I like. Weird, huh? “
ALL OR NOTHING by Lexi Ryan — 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Shh Mom’s Reading
“All or Nothing features an unrequited love story focusing on Kennedy Hale and his best friend, Aubree Baxter. Kennedy has his life planned out for him though it’s not the life that he wants to live.”
THE YOUNG ELITES (The Young Elites #1) by Marie Lu — 4 stars
Reviewed by Mostly YA Book Obsessed
“I’m excited to see what’s next for Adelina’s character. I really liked Enzo and the kind of forbidden romance that was formed between him and Adelina. The progression of their relationship had a great pace for the story although I have no idea where this will go in the next book.”
LOVE, IN SPANISH by Karina Halle — 5 stars
Reviewed by Reading is my Breathing
“We all knew that no matter how Love, in English ended, Vera and Mateo could not simply ride off into sunset and live happily ever after. This novel serves as insight into complicated life of Mateo and Vera once they decided to be together. Doubts, problems, haters… How will Mateo and Vera deal with them all? Will their love for each other be enough?”
Reviewed by Beth from The Reading Vixens
“While being quirky and funny this novel still brings you to a new depth of how people grieve, and ways to cope with loss. J.B. is truly an inspirational author who I admire and will forever have on my auto-read list. “
MADE (Forever 0.4) by J.M. Darhower — 5 stars
Reviewed by My Book Muse
“By the time I was down to the last three chapters my emotions got the best of me and I finished this book in tears. I was so choked up that when I called my friend to talk it out I could hardly speak. I may cry from time to time, but it’s been a long time since a book has touched me so deeply.”
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Share the link to some of your favorite posts in the comments!
- Eight Blogging Myths You Must Overcome! #BB101 via Parajukee
- Thank you Into the Hall of Books for the shout-out in this post!
See what you missed this week!!
- [9 Nov] Sunday Morning Book Chat #7 — 20 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Me
- [10 Nov] Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo ★★★★
- [10 Nov] Cover Reveal — Marrow by Tarryn Fisher
- [11 Nov] This and That #6 — Callum and Harper & The Law of Moses
- [12 Nov] Waiting on Wednesday #30 — Natural Love by S. Celi
- [14 Nov] The List — E.L. James is Trying to Kill Me
- [15 Nov] Around the Book Blogosphere #15 — Book Slumps, Pet Peeves, and Characters that Need Their Own Book