Okay, so maybe it’s not E.L. James specifically who is trying to kill me. But I’m convinced the people behind the movie and the marketing campaign are all trying to end my life. Death by heart attack.
Did you guys see the new Fifty Shades of Grey trailer that premiered last night? You didn’t? Well, let me enlighten you. If you can’t see the video below you can watch it here.
So like I said, I’m almost positive that the movie people are trying to kill us all. They want our hearts to beat out of our chests. I mean seriously!! I present you some of the most heart-pounding moments from the two Fifty Shades of Grey trailers.
1.) Who can forget this freaking kiss? Look at the way she’s looking at him. She’s like, “Oh shit, he’s coming for me!” Actually, she’s probably more like, “Oh my.” But who cares!! FUCK THE PAPERWORK!
2.) There is so much sweat! Oh to be that sweet drop of Christian’s perspiration. I can’t wait to see them getting all sweaty and stuff!
3.) Our first look at Fifty in the first Fifty Shades trailer was a single finger tap. I don’t know about you guys, but that tap was the finger tap heard ’round the world. Holy freaking crap!
4.) This. I just about lost it when I saw Christian using his mouth near Ana’s lady bits. Again, holy freaking crap!
Am I dead? I think I just died. O.M.G.
5.) The many gazes of Christian Grey: angry, in love, vulnerable! Gah!
6.) FINGER IN THE MOUTH! FINGER IN THE MOUTH! Why is this so hot? Am I the only one who thought this was so freaking hot? I mean, seriously. And he’s sweaty. And shirtless.
7.) Christian and Ana are NAUGHTY!!! THEY GET IT ON. Whoa! How hot is this?
8.) As much as I love the steamy sexiness. I love all the clips of tender and protective Christian.

11.) The Red Room of Pain! OMG!!!
12.) I really just want it to be February 14, 2015, so I can get my Christian Grey fix. Don’t you? Are you ready?
If you missed the first Fifty Shades Grey trailer, you can watch it here.