What I'm Digging is a weekly feature in which I share my bookish finds with you. This can range from jewelry to clothes to home decorations. I find so many neat bookish things on Pinterest, Etsy, and elsewhere. I thought I would share my finds with you. Who doesn't love ...
Archives for 2014
What I’m Digging #8 — Double Clutch by Liz Reinhardt

Stacking the Shelves #4 & Epic Reads Event!

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! ...
Book Blogger Test: I’ve been TAGGED!

I was tagged by Cristina from Cristina's Book Reviews to do this fun post! Check out the end of the post to see who I'VE TAGGED! What are your top three book hates? INSTALOVE/INSTALUST - I feel like I need to qualify my answer. There are times when instalove and ...
Double Cover Reveal — Losing Control & Taking Control by Jen Frederick

Jen Frederick has an upcoming duology called the Kerr Chronicles coming out soon! And guess what? Jen is planning to release Losing Control completely FREE! It will be released one chapter at a time beginning the last week of May 2014. ONLY Newsletter subscribers will ...
Cover Reveal — Dirty Deeds by Karina Halle

Dirty Deeds is the second book in Karina Halle's upcoming Dirty Angels trilogy. Book one, Dirty Angels, is a continuation of Javier's twisted story. In Dirty Deeds, Derek gets his own story! I can't wait to get inside the mind of yet another ...
Giveaway & Pre-Order Contest — Rusty Nailed by Alice Clayton

Alice Clayton is giving away Caroline's favorite KitchenAid Artisan mixer in any color you choose (similar to this one)! This is such a fabulous prize! It's been a long-time dream of mine to own one of these amazing mixers. Just think of all the cakes and cookies you could ...