Lisa Kleypas's contemporary romance debut, SUGAR DADDY, is a blend of a coming-of-age story and a love story. Liberty Jones's voice is charming and I felt immediately connected to her and her story from page one. Though, I felt frustrated with how the romance (or should I ...
Book Review – Bright Side by Kim Holden

Kim Holden's BRIGHT SIDE has been on my radar since it came out. I love a good bookish ugly cry, so I picked it up in hopes of feeling the same emotional kick in the gut as everyone else. However, this one did very little for me emotionally. The writing was blatant and ...
Book Review – Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley

WORDS IN DEEP BLUE hooked me from the beginning and I couldn't wait to get home from work to read more of Rachel and Henry's time inside Howling Books. The cast of characters was charming, lovely, and funny in all the right places. My only problem was that, ultimately, the ...
Book Review – Crazy Messy Beautiful by Carrie Arcos

Critically acclaimed author Carrie Arcos's newest novel features an endearing hero looking for his one true love. In this unconventional story of friendship and love, we meet Neruda who falls hard for Callie as they work on an English project. But does she feel the same ...
Book Review – A Postcard Would Be Nice by Steph Campbell

In the United States, every two minutes someone is sexually assaulted. Two minutes! Steph Campbell brings awareness to the issue of sexual assault in her newest young adult novel, A POSTCARD WOULD BE NICE. But she talks about it in a way that isn't as widely discussed—sexual ...
Book Review – We Are Still Tornadoes by Michael Kun and Susan Mullen

WE ARE STILL TORNADOES is a coming-of-age young adult novel that centers around two best friends, Cath and Scott. What Michael Kun and Susan Mullen did wonderfully was capturing the beauty of friendship and the importance of having that special someone to lean on when life ...
Book Review – Our Hearts Will Burn Us Down by Anne Valente

OUR HEARTS WILL BURN US DOWN is a poignant portrait of grief, told in the collective voice through the eyes of four best friends after a mass school shooting. While the story was not poorly written, the writing style was distracting at times, the novel was lacking in ...