Twenty-seven minutes is, if anyone ever asks, exactly how long it takes to cram everything I own into six giant trash bags...Most people would probably have a hard time totally fucking up their life in under an hour. But then again, I'm not most people. I'm amazing. I'm like ...
Audiobook Review – The Art of Crash Landing by Melissa DeCarlo

Book Review – The Reason You’re Alive by Matthew Quick

THE REASON YOU'RE ALIVE is another hit from Matthew Quick. Through an elderly right-wing, seemingly racist, Vietnam veteran and American patriot, Quick pens a story about finding common ground and unity in a politically polarizing world. Like in Forgive Me, Leonard ...
Book Review – Miss You by Kate Eberlen

MISS YOU is a story of missed connections about two people who are perfect for each other but never meet over the course of fifteen years. Tess and Gus first meet briefly in Florence as teenagers—she while on holiday with her best friend, Doll and he while on a trip with ...
Book Review – The Possessions by Sara Flannery Murphy

Sara Flannery Murphy's striking debut tells the story of a woman haunted by her own past who escapes into the lives of the dead. Eerie, haunting, and beautifully rich prose had me turning the pages, but some readers may have trouble with the slower pace at times. "What kind ...
Book Review – We Were On a Break by Lindsey Kelk

Harper is offering a signed copy ALWAYS THE BRIDESMAID by Lindsey Kelk to a lucky reader after the review! So be sure to enter! I haven't read that one but it looks really cute. ➜ Read the Synopsis What do you do when your boyfriend who had planned on putting a ...
Book Review – Who’s That Girl by Mhairi McFarlane

Who's That Girl is the first book I've read by Mhairi McFarlane. More than just a romantic comedy, McFarlane takes readers on a funny and emotional journey through Edie's life after a social disaster, exploring themes of family, friendship, and of course, love. As an added ...