I’m a selfish and needy reader. I don’t expect any of these to actually happen or for the authors to care or fulfill my stupid wishes but it would make my little bookish heart happy if these things happened.
Here are some of the Bookish Things That Need to Happen:
(According to me. 🙂 )
For Katja Millay to put out another book.
I’m not alone in this one. I think if she did put something else out, I would probably die of happiness right then and there, which would be bad because then I wouldn’t get to read it.
For Audiobook narrator Paula Costello to lend her beautiful voice to more audiobooks.
#GIRLCRUSH — I have a narrator crush on Paula Costello. If you’re not familiar with her lovely voice, she narrated Samantha Young, On Dublin Street—and quite beautifully I might add. Okay, beautifully may not be the best way to describe her abilities. Her narration of Braden is freaking HOT. Listen for yourself:
And while we’re on the topic of narrators, I’d be totally cool with Elisabeth Rodgers narrating more books.
For Richelle Mead to point me to the real-life Seth Mortensen
And before you call me delusional, I know book dudes aren’t real. 😉
Seriously, though, Seth Mortensen—he’s probably one of the most romantic bookish guys ever. He’s funny, witty, totally adorable, has a penchant for rubies, and a freaking author. What could possibly make him more attractive?
The answer is nothing.
Also, I’d really like to read about Mortensen’s own “will they or won’t they” characters, Cady and O’Neill.
Read my Georgina Kincaid Reviews
I’m not the only Grisha trilogy reader on the planet who fell in love with Sturmhond in Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo. He brought an enormous amount of charm into a dark situation. Most of all, he was so freaking funny and he just lit up the page.
I’d be totally okay with a series as him as the lead, just saying.
Read my Grisha Trilogy Reviews
For Tarryn Fisher to answer this one question:
Did Senna die alone? I MUST KNOW! I’m still reeling 2 years later.
I will never get the answer. My heart will just be here breaking slowly for the rest of my life.
A release date for The Eye of Andromeda by Richelle Mead
Geez, I’m demanding.
Richelle Mead is a busy writer. This coming April, she will have released 3 books in the span of 15 months, which is a lot of a traditionally published author. I’m sure she’s been writing like a fiend.
That being said, I’m dying for The Eye of Andromeda!! Positively pining for it. For all I know this book is done and a release date hasn’t been set. Or maybe she’s been busy with her other projects and hasn’t had the chance to finish it.
Whatever the reason, Ms. Mead and Dutton Books, I’m here when it is ready. Email me. Tweet me.
Review: Gameboard of the Gods (Book #1)
Review: The Immortal Crown (Book #2)
For Cricket Bell to realize he’s supposed to be with me! (Sorry, Lola)
If I can’t have Seth Mortensen, I’ll take Cricket Bell. Actually, can I have both? Is that appropriate for me to say, considering Cricket is waaaaay younger than me? I don’t care. This is my blog and I can be inappropriate if I want to. He’s legal. That’s all that matters.
I’m not sure Seth has the cosmetology skills that Cricket has and I could really use a beauty advisor. Plus, Cricket is super sweet and thoughtful and all sorts of swoony. I love him. I think we’d be really good together.
Reasons Why Cricket Bell is MINE!
Crooked Kingdom in my hands RIGHT NOW!
Did you guys see that cover that released last week? Seriously. So pretty! Automatic pre-order! I can’t wait to hold it in my hands and read its contents. If you want to see the full-resolution version in all it’s glory, click on the cover.
pre-order // goodreads
WTF is Barrons, Moning. Seriously, what is he?
I need an explanation here. Give me an explanation. Is this going to be like season 6 of LOST where it becomes a running joke of “What the hell” and then you get no answers?
Probably. And apparently I’m answering all of my own questions.
I need the comic books.
Dear Emily St. John Mandel & Random House: Please release Miranda’s comic books. I need those in my life.
Nathan Burton drew this awesome panel from from one of my favorite moments of the book.

(image via: Nathan Burton)
A Georgina Kincaid TV show.
You guys, Richelle Mead’s Georgina Kincaid series would make an AWESOME TV show. There are so many beautiful moments in the series, so condensing it into a move or a series of movies wouldn’t be right.
Plus, the cast of characters is so versatile and multi-faceted that it would be effortless to make their characters stretch as the series went on.
And OMG, the romantic relationship between Georgie and Seth has its ups and downs, which would be completely amazing to see how it played out.