Okay, so maybe it's not E.L. James specifically who is trying to kill me. But I'm convinced the people behind the movie and the marketing campaign are all trying to end my life. Death by heart attack. Did you guys see the new Fifty Shades of Grey trailer that premiered ...
Archives for November 2014
The List — E.L. James is Trying to Kill Me

This and That #6 — Callum and Harper & The Law of Moses

“This and That” is a feature meant to showcase books that I think sound similar or have similar themes and would recommend to someone who is a fan of the “this book.” I may not have read the “that” book, but I think fans of the “this” book might like it. About the ...
Cover Reveal — Marrow by Tarryn Fisher

**** MARROW has a new cover! I love it just as much as this one! You can see the NEW COVER here. Tarryn Fisher just revealed the cover to her upcoming thriller MARROW on her Instagram! It's about woman named Margo and she's a serial killer! I have no idea when this book ...
Sunday Morning Book Chat #7 — 20 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Me

Sunday Morning Book Chat is a weekly vlog in which I talk about random book-related things with a cup of coffee. I thought it was also a great way for you to get to know me and for me to get to know you! In this book chat I: talk about how I read like a freaking boss ...
Around the Book Blogosphere #14 — Fake Reviews, The Raven Cycle, Holiday Romances, and Naked Books!

"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? BLOGGERS WRITING FAKE REVIEWS This is a really old Parajunkee post, but I just ...