What I'm Digging is a feature in which I share things I'm loving with you. This can range from jewelry to clothes to home decorations. Anything goes! Oh and there is always a book featured that I enjoyed! Affiliate Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you ...
What I’m Digging – Can I See You Again by Allison Morgan

The List – Favorite Books of 2017 + Disappointments

This is a super duper late post, but I promised I would post it so here it is. My home renovations have taken up all my time! Here are my favorite reads of 2017, as well as some book disappointments (because balance). Favorite Books of 2017 My Review My ...
This and That – Freaking Emotional Reads

“This and That” is a feature to showcase books that I think sound similar or have similar themes. Today, I have some book recommendations for seekers of über emotional reads. About the Books: About After I Do: When Lauren and Ryan’s marriage reaches the breaking ...
Voices on the Road: Why I Love Audiobooks + My Favorite Audiobook Recommendations

Why I Love Audiobooks Why do I love thee, audiobooks? The reasons outnumber the stars in the sky. Too dramatic? Probably, but who cares! Audiobooks make my long commute to work exciting, erasing the monotony of the striped asphalt and transporting me it to a vivid fantasy ...
Around the Book Blogosphere #22 – Weird Things Book Addicts Do, Burned, and Fifty Shades

"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? Hey everyone! I'm still alive! I have been so busy and have fallen a bit behind ...
This and That #6 — Callum and Harper & The Law of Moses

“This and That” is a feature meant to showcase books that I think sound similar or have similar themes and would recommend to someone who is a fan of the “this book.” I may not have read the “that” book, but I think fans of the “this” book might like it. About the ...