Over the years, you guys have recommended so many great books to me. So I decided to compile a list of your recommendations I've read recently and others I hope to read soon. I'd LOVE to expand this list even more! Leave me a comment if you have a recommendation for ...
The List – Reader Recommendations on my Nightstand – Summer 2018

The List – Favorite Books of 2017 + Disappointments

This is a super duper late post, but I promised I would post it so here it is. My home renovations have taken up all my time! Here are my favorite reads of 2017, as well as some book disappointments (because balance). Favorite Books of 2017 My Review My ...
Voices on the Road: Why I Love Audiobooks + My Favorite Audiobook Recommendations

Why I Love Audiobooks Why do I love thee, audiobooks? The reasons outnumber the stars in the sky. Too dramatic? Probably, but who cares! Audiobooks make my long commute to work exciting, erasing the monotony of the striped asphalt and transporting me it to a vivid fantasy ...
Book Chat – Favorite Books of 2016 + Disappointments

Happy New New Year's Eve! This year, I read books all across the board—young adult, women's fiction, thrillers, historical young adult, and more—and had an absolute blast! Here are my favorite reads of 2016. I hope you have a great night! #Blogger Fail! I had to film ...
The Totally Doable 2017 RBLB Reading Challenge

I've been wanting to do a reading challenge for a few years! So, I decided to do my Reading Challenge for 2017 and we can do it together. Some reading challenges can be a little overwhelming, so I tried to make this one easy and doable (hence the name). And it can be used ...
Old and New Books on my Fall To-Read List

My favorite season is in full swing! Crisp morning air means countless cups of coffee and tons of time cozy up with a book! Below I've listed several books I hope to get to this fall. Some of them are Fall 2016 releases and some are some oldies I've been wanting to ...
The List – Heroines You’d Want as Your BFF

I know I'm not the only who reads a good book with an awesome female character and thinks, "She and I would be great friends if she were freaking real." Here is a list of awesome ladies who I think would make the most amazing best friends. TELL ME: What bookish ladies ...
Summer Reads and Other Things: Summer 2016 Edition

Last year, I complied a list of summer beach reads and thought I would do something similar for 2016. Below I have included several upcoming summer 2016 releases that I think sound really good! Enjoy, and let me know what you are looking forward to! ♥ Affiliate Disclosure: ...
Books on my To-Read-Soon List #1

Affiliate Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links you can use to purchase the book. If you buy the book using that link, I will receive a small commission from the sale. Thank you! ♥ Update 9/21/2016: I've read all of these books except a couple! Stay tuned soon for ...