"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? ✥ ✥ ✥ PLAYLIST FACTORY: Rockin' Fall Edition! Book Rock Betty and Books ...
Search Results for: ka tucker
Around the Book Blogosphere #11 — Swiftober, Bookish Travel, & Feeling Gif-y

Around the Book Blogosphere #10 — Spooky Reads, Sexy Narrators, and This Girl

"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? ✥ ✥ ✥ SPOOKY READS! Great Imaginations put together an awesome list of ...
Around the Book Blogosphere #9 — Rag Time, Banterfluff, and Tatas

"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? ✥ ✥ ✥ THE YOUNG ELITES by Marie Lu Chapter Spotlight! I haven't read Marie ...
Stacking the Shelves #3

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! ...
2014 Book Releases

This page is an archive of the 2014 book releases. I hope you find something you like! For the most recent book releases check out: New & Upcoming Book Releases JANUARY 2014 JUNE 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 FEBRUARY 2014 JULY 2014 DECEMBER 2014 MARCH ...
Stacking The Shelves #1

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! ...
Top 10 Books of 2013: Reading Books Like a Boss Edition

Choosing just ten books as your best of 2013 is hard! Level of difficult: nearly impossible. This is a list of books that I read in 2013. They don't need to have been released in 2013. I had so much fun looking through my read list and reminiscing. COMMENT below and tell ...
Book Recommendations

Below is a list of some of my favorite books. They aren't all 5-star reads but still I would highly recommend them to you. Many of them I have read multiple times. I'm so guilty of going back and rereading books. It really messes up my TBR, but I cannot help myself. ...