A girl whose memories are lost after a plane crash and the boy trying to find his own purpose fall in love amidst the charming Irish setting in Rebekah Crane's THE UPSIDE OF FALLING DOWN. Clementine Haas wakes in an Irish hospital to find that she's the only survivor in a ...
Book Review – The Upside of Falling Down by Rebekah Crane

Book Review – End of Days by Susan Ee

Book Review: End of Days is a wild and explosive ride and a great conclusion to Penryn and Raffe's story. So much happened in this book that kept me on the edge of my seat. I really wished Susan Ee would have put some of what happened in this book in World After (Read My ...
Book Review – World After by Susan Ee

Book Review: ** This review contains spoilers for Angelfall (book one). ** Angelfall was such a fantastic book! It kept me on the edge of my seat, and Raffe and Penryn had such amazing chemistry. Sadly, World After was disappointing after such a great first book. At ...
Book Review – Angelfall by Susan Ee

Book Review: Angelfall is so freaking good! This apocalyptic young adult novel kept me glued to the pages. Angelfall is a recipe for young adult greatness. It has a strong heroine, a witty hero, tons of action, and a budding forbidden romance. I loved this book so ...