SUCCUBUS DREAMS Amazon | Goodreads | My Review Ouch. My heart. It hurts. I'm in so much pain right now. Okay. Let me gather myself. The ending of this book threw me for a loop and took me completely by surprise. Let's go back to the beginning. First line: "I wish ...
Georgie Read-A-Thon Wrap-Up #2: Succubus Dreams + Succubus Heat by Richelle Mead

Georgie Read-A-Thon Wrap-Up #1: Succubus Blues + Succubus on Top by Richelle Mead

SUCCUBUS BLUES Amazon | Goodreads | My Review I really enjoyed reading this book the first time around last summer. But I think I loved it more the second time around. Georgina Kincaid is one of my favorite characters ever. I've said this before, but I loved how ...
Happy Valentine’s Day from some of my FAVORITE book Characters!

Some of my favorite book characters made Valentine's Day cards for their significant other. I hope you enjoy them! What are some of your favorite book characters? Subscribe by Email Like on Facebook ...
Sign up for the Georgina Kincaid Read-A-Thon — March 10th – 28th

Nereyda from Mostly YA Book Obsessed and I are hosting a READ-A-THON for one of our FAVORITE series EVER — the Georgina Kincaid series by Richelle Mead. Check out the suggested reading schedule below. This will help you get an idea of the pacing, so that you can finish the ...
Most Anticipated Books of 2014 – Reading Books Like a Boss Edition

These top 10 lists are super hard. #bookproblems. This one was especially difficult because there are SO MANY to-be-released books that I am looking forward to! I'm breaking the rules today. I'm going to be rebel and choose more than ten. I'm sure you won't be upset. ...
Best Book Couples of 2013 – Reading Books Like a Boss Edition

I read so many books this year with great couples. It was a blast to choose some of my favorites. Some of them may not be your conventional couples, but I couldn't resist choosing something a little different. Tell me what your favorites are in the comments. Javier ...
Top 10 Books of 2013: Reading Books Like a Boss Edition

Choosing just ten books as your best of 2013 is hard! Level of difficult: nearly impossible. This is a list of books that I read in 2013. They don't need to have been released in 2013. I had so much fun looking through my read list and reminiscing. COMMENT below and tell ...