Book Review – Not Today, But Someday by Lori L. Otto

Book Review – Not Today, But Someday by Lori L. Otto

"When love is strong, loves knows no law. Love itself has greater dominion. Earthly rules are of no account. Lovers break them every day. A man must love, even if he strives against it; he cannot escape love, even at the cost of his own life. It may be love for a maid, for a ...


Cover & Synopsis Reveal – Mud Vein by Tarryn Fisher

Tarryn Fisher's Love Me With Lies series is absolutely fantastic and well-written.  When the series ended, I couldn't wait to see what Tarryn Fisher was going to torture us with next.  I'm sure you've already seen the gorgeous cover designed by Sarah Hansen at Okay ...


Book Review – Bold Tricks by Karina Halle

Book Review – Bold Tricks by Karina Halle

Book Review: Bold Tricks raised my blood pressure - I'm sure of it.  While reading this one, my emotions were high.  I've come to realize that is a completely normal reaction to reading any of Halle's novels. Halle knows how to write interesting three-dimensional ...


Cover Reveal – The Devil’s Reprise by Karina Halle

Cover Reveal – The Devil’s Reprise by Karina Halle

In addition to the October 15th release of BOLD TRICKS, Karina Halle is also releasing THE DEVIL'S REPRISE, the long-awaited sequel to last year's THE DEVIL'S METAL.  And just in time for Halloween.  I cannot wait for more Dawn and Sage and scares! THE DEVIL'S ...


Cover Reveal & Synopsis Reveal – Ashes to Ashes by Karina Halle

Cover Reveal & Synopsis Reveal – Ashes to Ashes by Karina Halle

Check out the cover and read the synopsis.  Dex and Perry are going to be investigating a haunted school that was formerly a sanatorium where several children perished from tuberculosis.  EEK!! Expected release date: December 11, 2013 Cover Designed by Najla Qamber ...


Cover Reveal – Welcome to Sugartown by Carmen Jenner

Cover Reveal – Welcome to Sugartown by Carmen Jenner

ABOUT THE BOOK Nineteen year-old virgin Ana is about to discover that’s not quite true because a six foot three, hotter than hell, tattooed, Aussie sex god just rode into town. He’s had a taste of her pie and he wants more– no really, Ana bakes pies for a living, get your ...


Cover Reveal – Four Seconds to Lose by K.A. Tucker

I am so freaking excited to share the cover of FOUR SECONDS TO LOSE by K.A. Tucker with you!  I absolutely loved Ten Tiny Breaths and One Tiny Lie.  They are some of my favorite books.  This is the third book in the "Ten Tiny Breaths" series.  This novel is Charlie and ...


Book Review – In the Fields by Willow Aster

Book Review – In the Fields by Willow Aster

Book Review: In the Fields tells the emotional, captivating and heartwrenching story of Caroline's teen years as she fights against adversity and her own personal tragedies.  I couldn't put it down and, yet, I didn't want it to end.   I just finished this book 5 minutes ...


Cover Reveal & Teaser – In Control by Crystal Serowka

Cover Reveal & Teaser – In Control by Crystal Serowka

I am soooo excited to share the cover for In Control with you!   This is book two in The City Series.  In Control is not a continuation of the series, so you don't necessarily have to read the first book.  You meet Kingsley in "In the Air" and she is a firecracker.  The ...


Book Review – Shooting Scars by Karina Halle

Book Review – Shooting Scars by Karina Halle

Book Review: In On Every Street we met Javier Bernal, a dark and sexy drug cartel leader, and a very young and impressionable con artist named Ellie Watt.  (Or should I say Eden White?)  Javier and Ellie loved fast and loved hard.  Their two-year relationship was, to say ...