This is one of those books that I chose to read completely based on the amnesia storyline. I've read a couple of books with a similar element and what I really liked in those books was seeing the couple fall in twice. In Forgetting August, I felt no chemistry or connection ...
Archives for March 2016
Book Review – Wicked Sexy Liar by Christina Lauren

Book Review: Wicked Sexy Liar is a sexy romance between a recently reformed playboy and a woman who's reluctant to be with him because of his sexual escapades. This book was fun, but it lacked a solid conflict and a real reason why the characters couldn't be together. By ...
Book Review – Last Will and Testament by Dahlia Adler

Book Review As a forbidden love junkie, I'd wanted to read Last Will and Testament for a long time. If you're a fan of student/teacher love stories with loads of "but we can'ts" and "but I want to's" then you should totally check this out. Even though there were parts that ...
Book Review – The Beautiful Ashes by Jeaniene Frost

Book Review: The Beautiful Ashes is the first book in Jeaniene Frost's newest series set in a world where angels and demons are in battle with each other. Ivy Jenkins has lost everything in a small amount of time: her adoptive parents were killed and her little sister has ...
The List – Bookish Things That Need to Happen Vol. 1

I'm a selfish and needy reader. I don't expect any of these to actually happen or for the authors to care or fulfill my stupid wishes but it would make my little bookish heart happy if these things happened. Here are some of the Bookish Things That Need to ...
Book Review – Blood Passage by Heather Demetrios

Book Review: Heather Demetrios takes readers back into the beautiful world of the Dark Caravan Cycle with Blood Passage, which was inspired by 1001 Arabian Nights. While there were some moments that were a little slow, this book takes readers on quite an exciting ...