Crooked Kingdom was the book I was most looking forward to reading this year. The depth and edge-of-your-seat suspense that Leigh Bardugo delivered in Six of Crows was nearly absent in Crooked Kingdom. Uneven pacing and lack of character growth was Crooked ...
Book Review – Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

This & That – 2 Books with Great Ensemble Casts

“This and That” is a feature to showcase books that I think sound similar or have similar themes and would recommend to someone who is a fan of the “this book.” Often times, I may not have read the “that” book, but I think fans of the “this” book might like it based on the ...
Book Review – Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Book Review: "Maybe the shears would snap in Wylan's hands. Maybe Inej would fail. Or Nina. Or Kaz. Or me. Maybe I'll fail. Six people, but a thousand ways this insane plan could go wrong." Wow! I am on a book high! Six of Crows is one of my favorite books of the year. ...
Book Chat – Unpopular Opinion Book Tag & A New Release You Need to Read

Sunday Morning Book Chat is an video series in which I talk about random book-related things with a cup of coffee (or some wine). It's a great way for you to get to know me and for me to get to know you! Don't be afraid to comment and say hi! This week I'm doing the ...