Over the years, you guys have recommended so many great books to me. So I decided to compile a list of your recommendations I've read recently and others I hope to read soon. I'd LOVE to expand this list even more! Leave me a comment if you have a recommendation for ...
The List – Reader Recommendations on my Nightstand – Summer 2018

This and That – Freaking Emotional Reads

“This and That” is a feature to showcase books that I think sound similar or have similar themes. Today, I have some book recommendations for seekers of über emotional reads. About the Books: About After I Do: When Lauren and Ryan’s marriage reaches the breaking ...
Voices on the Road: Why I Love Audiobooks + My Favorite Audiobook Recommendations

Why I Love Audiobooks Why do I love thee, audiobooks? The reasons outnumber the stars in the sky. Too dramatic? Probably, but who cares! Audiobooks make my long commute to work exciting, erasing the monotony of the striped asphalt and transporting me it to a vivid fantasy ...