Affiliate Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links you can use to purchase the book. If you buy the book using that link, I will receive a small commission from the sale. Thank you! ♥ Update 9/21/2016: I've read all of these books except a couple! Stay tuned soon for ...
Around the Book Blogosphere #16 — Ugly Love Movie, Happily Ever Afters, and Nerd Girl Porn

"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? Nick Bateman as Miles Archer?!? An Ugly Love Move?!? Nike Bateman caused quite ...
Around the Book Blogosphere #14 — Fake Reviews, The Raven Cycle, Holiday Romances, and Naked Books!

"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? BLOGGERS WRITING FAKE REVIEWS This is a really old Parajunkee post, but I just ...
Around the Book Blogosphere #11 — Swiftober, Bookish Travel, & Feeling Gif-y

"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? ✥ ✥ ✥ PLAYLIST FACTORY: Rockin' Fall Edition! Book Rock Betty and Books ...
Around the Book Blogosphere #9 — Rag Time, Banterfluff, and Tatas

"Around the Book Blogosphere" is a feature to share posts from other book blogs or other book-related websites that I have enjoyed reading. Book blogging is all about sharing the love, right? ✥ ✥ ✥ THE YOUNG ELITES by Marie Lu Chapter Spotlight! I haven't read Marie ...