WHATEVER LIFE THROWS AT YOU is a young adult contemporary romance that takes place in Kansas City and centers around the Royals baseball team. This is an addictive, sports romance with a forbidden element that I had a hard time putting down, but longed for a more involved ...
Book Review – Whatever Life Throws at You by Julie Cross

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Book Review – Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen

Book Review: Life Unaware is young adult novel about teenager who went from being the top of the social ladder to the very bottom, becoming a victim of bullying after being a bully herself. I liked this young adult novel, but I believe it may be more appealing to younger ...
Book Review – Paper or Plastic by Vivi Barnes

Book Review: I saw this book on Goodreads not too long ago and thought that the whole premise sounded really great. After reading Nick's review a couple of weeks ago, I decided to jump right in. Paper or Plastic was such cute, sweet, feel-good young adult romance that left ...
4 Comments · Filed Under: Reviews  ·  Tagged: Paper or Plastic, Romance, Vivi Barnes, Young Adult