Series: Consequences #2
Published by Self-Published
Publication date: October 30, 2012
Genres: Contemporary Romance, Psychological Thriller
480 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
Claire Nichols endured the CONSEQUENCES of Anthony Rawlings’ vendetta.
When she first arrived to his home, her goal was survival. Through strength and compartmentalization Claire captivated her captor. Her resilience in the face of his rule threatened Anthony’s well developed plan. Domination became desire and power turned to love.
Their passion and adoration in a world of opulence appeared perfect. Yet, reality was a roller coaster of emotion. Claire’s world teetered on the edge of sanity as Antony monitored her every move. When given the opportunity to flee, Claire drove away. A fateful decision which set a well laid plan into motion.
However, unbeknownst to either of them, there were others who saw past the perfect facade of Anthony Rawlings. There were others who saw the TRUTH. Conspiracy and unfulfilled promises result in an early prison release for Claire. Not just a release – a pardon. According to the law, her crime never happened!
Will it be that easy? Faced with freedom from her past... can Claire seize it? Can she build a new life, mend her broken spirit, become the woman she once was, and seek her own revenge? Or is it all a game? And does the game master have different plans?
How does Sophia Burke fit into the puzzle that is Tony and Claire? Will her presence affect the future of this well esteemed man? Can he dominate twice? Is that his goal?
TRUTH continues the tumultuous saga of CONSEQUENCES, introduces new players, and uncovers more intrigue. Aleatha Romig skillfully weaves past transgressions through current deception to create a fervent world of obsessed desire. In this reality can an all-consuming relationship survive?
When buried sins are discovered they threaten not only Tony and Claire’s future -- but their very lives! Will the TRUTH be revealed in time?
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Book Review:
Wow. I am so confused. I thought I had everything figured out. I thought I was right in hating certain people. I was so wrong. All of my theories, expectations, and opinions were thrown at the proverbial window from the first page. Instead, I was thrown into the crazy jacked up Rawlings world – a world where everything is upside down and backwards.
When I started reading this book I knew three things. First, I knew that Tony Rawlings was a crazy mofo who would stop at NOTHING to get what he wants. Second, I knew that poor, little Claire was suffering from a major case of Stockholm Syndrome for most of Consequences, so I needed to rein in my desire to slap her. Third, I knew that I was going to be in for a wild, mind-bending ride in Truth.
Where do I even begin? I want to first say that if you haven’t read this series, you need to right now. If you’re looking for a dark read that will blow your mind and make you question your sanity, then this is the series for you. This series is NOT a romance…or is it? I’m not really sure. I mean, there were times where I sipped on the Tony Kool Aid and started to warm up to him. Most of the time, however, I spent rehashing the events of book one in my mind. Some serious…stuff happened, stuff that I’m not at liberty to divulge for fear of spoiling it for you.
In Truth, we find out Tony’s truth, well at least as much as Tony was willing to share with us. Tony’s truth bombs hurt! But at the same time, I was able to understand him a little better and learn more about the motives behind his actions. That’s not to say that I will EVER forget what happened in book one. The fact of the matter is, I cannot forget – those images are ingrained in my head for all of eternity. What he did to Claire in Consequences is simply unforgettable, but is it really unforgivable? Personally, I haven’t completely forgiven him yet. There will always be a small part of me that is on high alert due to Past Tony’s actions.
I found myself, yet again, feeling sorry for Claire throughout this book. She tried so hard to put on this tough exterior and move on, but no matter how hard she tried, Tony kept finding his way back in one way or another.
“He’d given her every reason to hate him, seek vengeance, and aid in his destruction. So why was this so hard? She tried to push Tony back into his assigned compartment.”
I knew in my heart of hearts that Tony was not going to just leave Claire alone. He can’t. He must be in control of everything at all times. When Claire starts to exercise some of her newfound freedom, Tony isn’t happy. What’s more, he really isn’t happy about this possible new guy in her life, which leads me say, “What the hell?!?” Tony had his chance and he chose to go insane. But, like the selfish man that he is, he goes after Claire…again.
Like I said earlier, there are some new characters in Truth to stir things up a bit (as if things needed stirred up in the first place). But in the end, it still came down to Clare and Tony’s figurative game of Chess. The players are still the same, the rules are still the same.
“It’s like chess. I make a move, he makes a move. Eventually one of us will declare check-mate.”
The tension between Tony and Claire was tangible and palpable. I was uncomfortable for Claire during their conversations. I love it when an author can me squirm and sit on pin and needles. Aleatha Romig accomplished this numerous times. Tony and Claire’s first conversations were filled this thick tension. There was so much that needed to be said that was left unsaid. Every word and every maneuver was calculated and analyzed by both of them, and I LOVED IT.
“Claire once read time doesn’t pass at normal speeds within a black hole. If one were to travel into a black home for only moments and return again, centuries would have passed. That explained the sensations he felt, once again peering into his dark gaze.”
This book is a certified grade-A Kindle-thrower. I wanted to reach through the book and punch everyone at least once, some multiples times. And seriously, I am not a violent person. But there is just something about these two that gets my blood boiling. Thus far, I have been entertained, disgusted, in shock and on the verge of tears while reading this mindscrew of a series. If you want to be tossed around and put through emotional turmoil, then read this series. I can promise you, you will come out on the other side just as confused as the rest of us.
Dream Cast
About the Author:
Aleatha Romig voted #1 “New Author to Read” on Goodreads, July 2012 through now! She is a “Published Author’s Network” member of the Romance Writer’s of America.
She has lived most of her life in Indiana, growing-up in Mishawaka, graduating from Indiana University, and currently living south of Indianapolis. Together with her husband of twenty six years, they’ve raised three children. She works days as a dental hygienist and enjoys spending her nights writing. She also likes to spend time with her family, friends and patients. Her pastimes include exercising, reading and writing.
Aleatha enjoys traveling, especially when there is a beach involved. In 2011 she had the opportunity to visit Sydney, Australia to visit her daughter studying at the University of Wollongong. Her dream is to travel to places in her novels and around the world. CONSEQUENCES, her first novel was released in August 2011 and has sold over 20,000 copies. TRUTH, the sequel was released October 2012 and has surpassed 10,000 copies in less than 3 months!
Aleatha originally published through self publisher Xlibris a subsidiarity of Author’s Solution/ Penguin Publishing. In October of 2012 she re-published on her own, a true Indie Author. Later that month she published Truth through Romig Works. Aleatha is happy to be represented by Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates.
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