Dex and Perry are some of the most well-written, complex, and realistic characters. Their chemistry jumps off the page and into your heart. If you're apprehensive about reading the EIT series because it is classified as "horror," don't be. The "scary" parts in these books ...
Book Review – Dirty Red by Tarryn Fisher

Book Review: "My name is Leah, and I will do anything to keep my husband." I was extremely scared and apprehensive about reading this book. I hated HATED Leah in The Opportunist. Even though she made only brief appearances in book #1, she left quite the impression and a ...
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Book Review – The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher

My Review: I originally read The Opportunist in May 2012, but decided to reread it before Dirty Red (Book #2) was release. As I reread this book.... I expected to be angry. I expected to feel love. I expected to feel sad. I did not expect to cry and feel this ...
1 Comment · Filed Under: Reviews  ·  Tagged: Love Me With Lies, Romance, Tarryn Fisher