If you didn't know already, I totally love the Boomerang series by Noelle August. It's fun, light, and sexy and the perfect read when you want something that will make you smile. Bounce is the third book in the series and this time it's Skyler and Grey's story! ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ...
Cover Reveal – Rebound by Noelle August

OMGosh! I am jumping with joy today because I get to show this pretty cover to you all. I read Boomerang by Noelle August over the summer and it was truly a delightful read. Rebound is the second book in the series. I've been DYING to get to know Adam Blackwood and now ...
What I’m Digging #22 — Boomerang by Noelle August

What I'm Digging is a semi-weekly feature in which I share my bookish finds with you. This can range from jewelry to clothes to home decorations. I find so many neat bookish things on Pinterest, Etsy, and elsewhere. I thought I would share my finds with you. Who doesn't love ...