Sunday Morning Book Chat #9 — Best Kissing Scenes with Allura!!

Sunday Morning Book Chat #9 — Best Kissing Scenes with Allura!!

Sunday Morning Book Chat is a weekly vlog in which I talk about random book-related things with a cup of coffee.  I thought it was also a great way for you to get to know me and for me to get to know you!

In this book chat Allura and I:

  • Discuss how my reading suckage continues
  • Our favorite kissing scenes,
  • what we’re reading next, and
  • what we recently added on Goodreads

Sorry you’re looking at Allura the whole time. I think I have some setting unchecked. I thought the camera was supposed to manually track who was talking, but I was so wrong.  At least Allura is nice to look out.  *waggles eyebrows* Also, I’m sorry for the echo. I need to wear headphones. 

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and click PLAY!  If you can’t see the video, you can watch HERE

Huge Thank You to Allura for joining me today!

Check out her blog, Teacups and Bookends!  Like her on Facebook. Visit her blogAllura is one of my favorite humans. She’s simply the best.

Books Mentioned in Today’s Vlog:

Links to Posts Mentioned:

Maryse’s interview with Audiobook narrator Sebastian York

I love hearing from you so leave me a comment below. Questions:

  • What are you reading?
  • Did you finish any books last week?
  • What are some of your favorite kissing scenes?
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