I didn't exactly love Royally Screwed (My Review), the first in Emma Chase's Royally series, but I still wanted to give the other books in the series a try (See my review of Book #3). As a lover of The Bachelor, I really wanted to read this one with Prince Henry going on ...
Audiobook Review – Royally Matched by Emma Chase

Audiobook Review – Royally Endowed by Emma Chase

The third installment in Emma Chase's Royally series may be the best of the series with less cheesy moments but it wouldn't be one I would reread nor would it be a favorite book of mine. Royally Endowed is a spin on the classic forbidden off-limits romance trope and features ...
Audiobook Review – Royally Screwed by Emma Chase

I've enjoyed some of Emma Chase's novels. But more recently, I've been 0-2 for her. I've seen several of my book friends enjoy this book and some who hadn't. Instead of being the romantic comedy I expected, ROYALLY SCREWED ended up being a erotic sex fest void of the sweet ...
Audiobook Review – Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren

I decided to pick this up audiobook because so many of my fellow readers loved this book hard. I can see why LOVE AND OTHER WORDS connected with so many readers, but I didn't entirely feel the same level of adoration to the story as a whole. Through past/present ...