The Emi Lost & Found series by Lori L. Otto took me by complete surprise in a good way. This series had everything I was looking for. The characters were memorable, the story was highly emotional, and the writing was beautiful. Not only is this series a story about ...
The Emi Lost & Found series by Lori L. Otto Gets NEW Covers!

Book Review – Never Look Back by Lori L. Otto

Book Review: I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Emi Lost and Found series is one series that EVERYONE needs to read. Instantly, I fell in love with the the characters, Emi, Nate, and Jack. Not to mention, the wonderful side characters that are introduced ...
Book Review – Time Stands Still by Lori L. Otto

It's nearly impossible to write a review for this book without spoilers, so I'm going to write two reviews: A non-spoiler review and a spoiler review. My non-spoiler review: I'm going to come right out and say it. Book one (My Review) gutted me, but I loved that it did. ...
Book Review – Lost and Found by Lori L. Otto

Book Review: "It's always been her. It's not possible for it to be love for anyone else because any form of 'love' I've felt for other women has been a mere fraction of how I feel about Emi." I love it when a book takes me completely by surprise. Like I have said before, ...
Book Review – Not Today, But Someday by Lori L. Otto

"When love is strong, loves knows no law. Love itself has greater dominion. Earthly rules are of no account. Lovers break them every day. A man must love, even if he strives against it; he cannot escape love, even at the cost of his own life. It may be love for a maid, for a ...