The Totally Doable 2017 RBLB Reading Challenge

The Totally Doable 2017 RBLB Reading Challenge

I’ve been wanting to do a reading challenge for a few years! So, I decided to do my Reading Challenge for 2017 and we can do it together. Some reading challenges can be a little overwhelming, so I tried to make this one easy and doable (hence the name). And it can be used with other reading challenges in case you’ve already committed to one!

If you want to join along, just download the graphic and printable below and write in the books you pick! If you post on social media, use the #2017RBLBReadingChallenge hashtag so we can follow along! I’m so excited!

Who wants to do this with me?

The Totally Doable 2017 RBLB Reading Challenge

I have a challenge graphic and a printable for you to keep track of the books you read!


The Totally Doable 2017 RBLB Reading Challenge Printable


You might have some questions:

Do audiobooks count? Yes, they do! There really aren’t any rules. Just try to find books that fit into the challenge. Good luck!

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