I will start this out by saying that Nereyda's Wrap-Up Post is going to kick my wrap-up post's booty. You should CHECK HERS OUT! SUCCUBUS SHADOWS Amazon | Goodreads First lines: "I was drunk. I wasn't entirely sure when it happened, but I suspected it had occurred ...
Archives for April 1, 2014
Georgina Kincaid Wrap-Up #3 — Succubus Shadows + Succubus Revealed by Richelle Mead
April 1, 2014 by  · 3 Comments

Cover Reveal — A Vault of Sins by Sarah Harian
April 1, 2014 by  · 1 Comment

I just finished The Wicked We Have Done by Sarah Harian a couple of weeks ago really enjoyed it. It's a fast-paced full of action thriller about the consequences of these characters' wicked pasts. A VAULT OF SINS In her stunning New Adult debut, The Wicked We Have ...