Do you think you could go more than twenty years without touching another person? Without feeling the simplest display of comfort, a consolation, a hug, a brushed kiss on the forehead? "One time, a boy kissed me and I almost died." Due to a rare genetic mutation, Jubilee ...
Book Review & Giveaway – Before I Go by Colleen Oakley

Book Review: Before I Go is a heartbreaking and honest portrayal of a woman's emotional journey through terminal cancer and the painful thoughts of leaving her husband behind without her. I felt so much while reading this book for all the characters. Thought-provoking, ...
Waiting on Wednesday #33 — Before I Go by Colleen Oakley

“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine. BEFORE I GO by Colleen Oakley Release Date: January 6, 2015 Pre-Order on Amazon Add on Goodreads Why I'm waiting: Because I just finished Forever, Interrupted by Taylor Jenkins Reid last ...